Sorbian Film Landscapes. On the History of the Sorbs in DEFA-Film
The research situation on the topic of “Sorbian film/Sorbian in film” has been markedly precarious up to now. Even within the discourse on German film history and German film heritage, the Sorbs hardly appear at all. The publication project addresses this desideratum. In cooperation with the DEFA Foundation, the film scholar Dr. Andy Räder (University of Rostock) and the filmmaker Grit Lemke, an anthology is being compiled that is dedicated to Sorbian filmmaking and the significance of the medium ‘film’ for the Sorbs between 1946 and 1990. Chronologically structured, it illuminates the development and characteristics of film-making among the Sorbs and introduces important filmmakers. Interviews with contemporary witnesses and two DVDs complete the volume. Publication is planned for summer 2023.
Grit Lemke / Andy Räder (ed.): Sorbische Filmlandschaften. Serbske filmowe krajiny, Berlin: Bertz + Fischer 2024. (= DEFA Schriftenreihe, in Kooperation mit dem Sorbischen Institut)
Project management: Susanne Hose
Project participants: Theresa Jacobs , Robert Lorenz , Dr. Juliane Rehnolt, Denise Schallenkammer